Fitzpatrick Skin Type

Genetic Disposition
Score 0 1 2 3 4
What are the color of your eyes? Light blue, Gray, Green Blue, Gray or Green Blue Dark Brown Brownish Black
What is the natural color of your hair? Sandy Red Blond Chestnut/Dark Blond Dark Brown Black
What is the color of your skin (non exposed areas)? Reddish Very Pale Pale with Beige tint Light Brown Dark Brown
Do you have freckles on unexposed areas? Many Several Few Incidental None

Total score for Genetic Disposition: _____

Reaction to Sun Exposure
Score 0 1 2 3 4
What happens when you stay in the sun too long? Painful redness, blistering, peeling Blistering followed by peeling Burns sometimes followed by peeling Rare burns Never had burns
To What degree do you turn brown? Hardly or not at all Light color tan Reasonable tan Tan very easy Turn dark brown quickly
Do you turn brown within several hours after sun exposure? Never Seldom Sometimes Often Always
How does your face react to the sun? Very sensitive Sensitive Normal Very resistant Never had a problem

Total score for Reaction to Sun Exposure: _____

Tanning Habits
Score 0 1 2 3 4
When did you last expose your body to sun (or artificial sunlamp/tanning cream)? More than 3 months ago 2-3 months ago 1-2 months ago Less than a month ago Less than 2 weeks ago
Did you expose the area to be treated to the sun? Never Hardly ever Sometimes Often Always

Total score for Tanning Habits: _____

Add up the total scores for each of the three sections for your Skin Type Score.

Fitzpatrick Skin Type
Score 0-7 8-16 17-25 25-30 Over 30
Skin Type I II III IV V/VI

*Note: The above information should not be consider medical advice in any way. If you are considering laser, please contact your local laser technician for advice and help making decisions concerning your treatment.

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